Special/Issue-Based Audit Reports

Sl Year of Audit Parliament Placement Date Name of Ministry Title of Audit Report
June 16, 2022 Local Government Division Audit Report (FY: 2017-2018) Wastes Management of Dhaka, North City Corporation.
02 2013-2014 July 3, 2018 Local Government Division Special Audit Report on the Accounts of Dhaka North City Corporation for the financial year 2013-2014
03 2015-2016   Local Government Division Special Audit Report on the Accounts of Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Co-operatives
04 2004-2013   Local Government Division Report on the accounts of 7 foreign aided projects of Local Government Engineering Department (Professional fees)
05 2000-2004   Local Government Division Report on Polli Daridro Bimochan Foundation


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